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Students Run Philly Style

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Impact Report

Our impact in numbers

years of youth mentorship

The mission of Students Run Philly Style is to transform students’ lives through mentorship over miles of long distance running and achievement

What we do

Social Support

of participants reported that they feel they have an SRPS mentor who is a source of comfort and support, and 88% of participants reported that they are glad to be part of Students Run Philly Style.

Physical & Mental Health

of participants reported at the end of the season that they have the skills they need to live an active lifestyle, and 79% of participants agreed or strongly agreed with the statement, “I like the kind of person I am.”

Goals & Aspiration

of participants reported they maintained or increased self-regulation from pre to post season. Participants that reported increased intentional self-regulation were six times more likely to report increased future aspirations, and twice as likely to report increased civic beliefs and values.

“The support system and team leaders we have continue to push me to my fullest potential, reaching heights I didn’t think were possible. SRPS has also given me an identity of being a “runner.” When I picked up SRPS freshman year, I didn’t realize it would later become a lifestyle I endorse.”


100% of LGBTQ+ youth report an average increase of 5.6 protective factors each season.

Having developed these resources and capacity, SRPS will continue to empower, support and advocate for LGBTQ+ youth so all of our students can live authentically and thrive.

LGBTQ+ students served per year
drop-in sessions hosted
community partners engaged

“MileUp was the most incredible experience, providing me with the
skills and support to leave my past behind and embrace a brighter future.”

Recognized nationally, MileUp won the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Children and Youth Resilience Challenge grand prize for its innovative, community-led approach to youth justice. In November, SRPS premiered a mini-documentary in partnership with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, celebrating MileUp and the 50th anniversary of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act during Youth Justice Action Month.

of youth mentorship

SRPS’ annual Extra Mile fundraiser, held on September 13, kicked off PDR weekend with our highest attendance to date! Over 300 mentors, alumni, students, family members, and supporters gathered to celebrate our 20th anniversary and raised $37,037 for SRPS.

Enhancing Our Extra Mile Event

At SRPS, we prioritize the diverse needs and preferences of our guests when planning Extra Mile. Explore our Inclusive Event Considerations Guide to see the key principles we follow at every stage of event planning.

This year, SRPS elevated Extra Mile with expert support from lululemon’s Centre for Social Impact. Partnering with lululemon Impact Fellow Lindsey Dennis, we refined our planning process through an event audit and the creation of an Event Planning Blueprint. These tools help us better align with our mission, optimize staff capacity, and create a vibrant, inclusive event for years to come.

Going the

For the first time, SRPS invited students’ family members to join the race day excitement through its new Family 5K program. Adult family members could sign up for free race registration, gear, and 5K training, sharing the race experience with their students.

On September 17, 25 SRPS family members participated in the Philadelphia Distance Run 5K. Thanks to a partnership with PWRher’d by Game Changers—empowering Women of Color in the run industry—many participants, tackling their first race, received training plans and coaching, making the milestone unforgettable